Writers and publications
DM2280B spring 2014 · Corcoran School of Art + Design
Instructor: David Ramos (alberto_ramos@corcoran.edu)
Writing and reportage about design and technology.
- A List Apart (design, development, some criticism)
- MIT Technology Review (general technology news)
- Contents Magazine (writing and editing for the web)
- Smashing Magazine (lots of material, mostly technical or technique-oriented)
- The Big Web Show (podcast by Jeffrey Zeldman; interviews with luminaries)
- The Web Ahead (podcast by Jen Simmons; shows about web technology)
- 99% Invisible (radio series about design, by Roman Mars)
Design/technology writers
- Liz Danzico
- Jeffrey Zeldman
- Frank Chimero
- Alissa Walker
- Information Architects Inc. blog
- John Gruber
- Craig Mod
- Luke Wroblewski