GDES-270 spring 2021 / David Ramos, American University Design

Learning from nature

January 26

Course survey

Fill out an eight-question survey.



About the reading

Articles and excerpts from books are required reading. I don’t plan on giving quizzes, but I will if need be.

Reading in Graphic Design: The New Basics is suggested but not required. There will be no quizzes on the material in the textbook, but you will do better work if you complete the reading.

NB2 means Graphic Design: The New Basics, 2nd edition. NB1 is the 1st edition. The 1st edition generally has the same chapter titles as the 2nd. Where the chapters differ, this schedule specifies an alternative.


Install Adobe Illustrator. (See instructions for installing Creative Cloud.)

Start working through the LinkedIn Learning tutorial on the program. (The AU Library provides instructions on how to get access to your LinkedIn Learning account.) If you have extensive experience with Illustrator, contact me about whether you can skip the tutorials.

Tech demos

This week:

Illustrator basics (~20 min. runtime)