Workbench tips

GDES-396 spring 2020 (David Ramos, American University Design) · office hours

Exporting an SVG from Workbench

SVG is a vector graphics format—you can open an SVG file in Illustrator and edit the original paths, say, changing their width or color.

Workbench should export SVGs, but the export function is buggy (as of January 2019). The Workbench team has been responsive, but for now, here’s a workaround.

  1. Create a visualization.
  2. Under the actions menu, upper-right corner, choose “Open in Vega Editor.”
  3. In the Vega window, click the Export button.
  4. Choose “Open SVG.”
  5. Right-click (control-click) in the middle of the graphic and save it as a file with an .svg extension.
  6. You can open this SVG file in Illustrator.