Type/Environment/Meaning Studies

GDES-200 fall 2017 · American University Design
Instructor: David Ramos ( ramos@american.edu · office hours )

Use type to create a new meaning for the space that it inhabits, or the objects that it accompanies.

This exercise explores:

Day One

Working alone, spend an hour walking around campus or the surrounding area. Look for three (or more) possible sites, and bring back photos and ideas for words. Experiment with making a few letters using natural materials.

Work in a way that doesn’t damage your surroundings. (Fallen twigs are ok; cutting plants is not.)

Smartphone cameras are fine, or you can check out a camera from the VRC. Email images to hello@imaginaryterrain.com.

Remainder of Day One, and 1.5 hours of Day Two

Working in a group of 2–3 colleagues, decide on a site and text. Experiment with creating type from paper, scrap cardboard, or natural materials. Place your type in your site and photograph the finished installation. Return the site to its original state. Email photos so that the class can view them.